Mobile strategy consultant & coach


About Me: Alex Hurworth (She / Her)

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I've spent my 20+ year career helping to build software. I’ve led the design and strategy of numerous mobile apps, some of which I’ve launched from scratch, others that I’ve worked on improving. I’m now a certified executive coach and consultant.

But you could call me a wanderer.  I've worked in London, Hong Kong, Tokyo and (now) New York.  

And loved every minute of it.  I've done a bit of a this, a bit of that.

Since leaving the corporate world, I’ve started an executive coaching and consulting company, called Time is Precious. Because, y’know… that says it all really. Whether that’s because you need to get your business launched to start generating revenue, or because life is short and you want to live it to its fullest.

So if you fancy a chat or a cuppa tea, let me know.  I'm English, you see.  You can reach me by email or by scheduling a Zoom call. Use the links at the top of the page to learn how to work with me, view my past projects, or my speaking engagements and writing.

You can also find me on Linked In.